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At Studio 1604 we fuse a contemporary Pilates approach with other fitness modalities to create a new “Pilates” experience.

Studio 1604 in San Antonio

At Studio 1604 we fuse a contemporary Pilates approach with other fitness modalities to create a new “Pilates” experience.  We will challenge your body’s strength, endurance and cardio capacity through Pilates based classes that will always keep your body guessing and your mind wanting more. Pilates is a systemized form of exercises that uses your body weight against gravity to both assist and resist in movement.  The exercises focus on core strength and mobility to help you improve your posture and move with both precision and control.

Reformer-based Pilates

The Reformer is a piece of equipment designed by Joseph Pilates.  It is essentially a moving platform with spring resistance and a pulley system which allows you achieve a full body workout.  In the Reformer work you still focus on the core, which Joseph referred to as “the Power House” but you are able to move the joints through a larger range of motion and can target peripheral muscles.  The movement of the bed and your resulting instability allows the body’s deep stabilizing muscles to respond in a way you don’t get with other pieces of equipment. In turn, your balance, core strength and intrinsic spinal muscle connections improve which in turn produces better posture and more sustainable movement patterns.

Pilates Benefits

The Pilates Method is designed to not only strengthen your core but to improve your flexibility, increase your muscle strength and endurance, restore postural deviations caused by our environment and to balance muscular strength on both sides of the body.